5 Tips For Staying Ahead Of Holiday Season Stress

Whether you’re ready for it or not, the holiday season is just around the corner.  For some people, this can be a time of overwhelm and stress. Here are some practical tips that will help you cope, manage or even prevent stressful situations and the effects of stress on your well-being during this holiday season:…



Back To Health Chiropractic Centre uses corrective chiropractic techniques and approaches to examination, treatments and for measuring progress. Why corrective chiropractic care? A healthy spine and a normal posture is essential for optimal health.  The spine protects the nervous system, specifically the spinal cord.  The nervous system is the master system of your body, which controls and…



Lifetime wellness is the long-term goal for the patients of Back To Health Chiropractic Centre.  Initial care focuses on correction and restoration of spinal function. Within the initial care, there is relief of pain and symptoms. However, the intention is to lead our patients on a journey to a lifetime of wellness. Why a vision…



Pregnancy chiropractic care is provided at Back To Health Chiropractic Centre. Pregnancy chiropractic care focuses on restoring balance to the nervous system and restoring function to the spinal and pelvic structures. Many pregnant women have received many benefits from chiropractic care during their pregnancy. Chiropractic care for the pregnant patient is safe, effective and can…



Back To Health Chiropractic Centre is a family wellness resource centre. Along with chiropractic care, our Centre delivers wellness workshops, exercises classes and a run walk club.  Our patients have access to wellness books and magazines from our lending library. When you become a patient member of Back To Health Chiropractic Centre, you can be…

Backpack Safety For School Children: What Parents Need To Know

Backpack Safety Tips From Back To Health Chiropractic Centre In Maple, Vaughan. Maple, ON – Yes, it’s back-to-school time, which makes for a perfect time to talk about backpack safety for kids. Years back when I was in grade school, I don’t recall carrying many books home and certainly never had on overloaded backpack. Today, it seems that…

Neck Pain – Can Chiropractic Really Help?

Neck pain is a very common problem affecting up to 70% of the adult population at some point in life.  Though there are specific causes of neck pain such as arising from a sports injury, a car accident or “sleeping crooked,” the vast majority of the time, no direct cause can be identified and thus…

Chiropractic patients share stories of hope, healing and inspiration. Part 2.

Chiropractic Stories From Back To Health Chiropractic Centre in Maple Vaughan. Every day, we see how chiropractic care improves the quality of life for our patients.  Every day, we hear from our patients how their life has improved since starting chiropractic care.  For some people, that quality of life improvement can mean finally being free of…

Who Else Want's Freedom From Stress?

“Strategies For Stress: How To Manage Stress With Practical Coping Strategies.” Maple, ON.  This is a community seminar by Dr. Walter Salubro of Back To Health Chiropractic Centre. This workshop will teach you how to recognize the categories and sources of stress in your life and how to implement practical coping strategies to help manage…