Chiropractor in Vaughan Shows How To Prevent Text Neck From Using Tablets, Smart Phones, and Handheld Devices. Especially Great for Kids and Teenagers Vaughan, ON—Here’s a quick tip that will save you from neck strain, next pain, and future health problems while using an iPad, smart phone or any other handheld device. It’s not just important…
Tag: neck pain
Neck Stretch Exercise for Pain, Tension, and Stress Relief by Chiropractor in Vaughan
Do you have neck pain and shoulder tension? If yes, then here is a great exercise you can do at your desk or at home to relieve neck pain, neck tension, and stress. If you are like me and you sit in front of a computer for hours at a time, you begin to feel…
The Real Problem with 'Text Neck'
Chiropractor in Vaughan Explains the Dangers of Constant Texting and how to Prevent ‘Text Neck’ Vaughan, ON―Smart phones. Tablets. Texting. Social Media. Most us, me included, are hooked on our smart phones and multi-media devices. This is a big problem. Why? Because of the constant bending of the neck. It may seem like this constant bending…
Chronic Neck Pain and Abnormal Spinal Alignment
Chiropractor in Vaughan Explains how Chiropractic Works to Correct the Cause of Neck Pain Research tells us that 18.9% of Canadians aged 18 and over have chronic neck pain.1 And of these 18.9%, approximately half of them have suffered of neck pain for more then 10 years. In our chiropractic office in Vaughan, Ontario, we have…
Is It Good To Sleep Without A Pillow??
Chiropractor in Maple, Vaughan Answers A Frequently Asked Question About Sleeping Positions And Pillows Post by Dr. Walter Salubro – Back To Health Chiropractic Centre.
Neck Pain Relief Chiropractor In Maple Ontario
Looking for chiropractic neck pain treatment in Maple (Vaughan), Ontario? Call (905) 303-1009
How To Stretch Your Neck To Relieve Muscle Tension
Chiropractor in Maple, Vaughan Ontario shows easy-to-do stretches to relieve neck pain and muscle tension. Do you sit in front of the computer at work or at home for extended periods of time? Or, do you ever wake up in the morning because of sleeping in a ‘bad’ position? These are two common scenarios that can…
Posture And The Impact Of A Forward Head Position
Do you get neck strain or muscle tension from sitting at a desk or when using a computer? It seems like we can’t go through an hour of a day without placing our neck in a compromising forward head position. The consequences of a forward head position is added tension, strain and effort by your neck…
Neck Pain – Can Chiropractic Really Help?
Neck pain is a very common problem affecting up to 70% of the adult population at some point in life. Though there are specific causes of neck pain such as arising from a sports injury, a car accident or “sleeping crooked,” the vast majority of the time, no direct cause can be identified and thus…