“Re-commit to your health in 2011.”

The holidays are over…now what?  January should not be a time of “starts”.  Such as… “I’m going start going to the gym and exercise”, or “I’m going to eat less  and choose better quality foods” or “I’m going to start a detox and cleanse program” or “I’m going to start going to the chiropractor again”, etc… Instead,…

Chiropractic patients share stories of hope, healing and inspiration.

Check out Back To Health Chiropractic Centre’s testimonial page.  Patients share their chiropractic success stories. Keep coming back as this page will be updated regularly. You will see that chiropractic care is more then just treatment for pain relief.  People’s lives change for the  better on many levels. Enjoy the stories and come back for more. http://backtohealthchiropracticcentre.com/testimonials/…

“My Nervous System, Why Keep It Free Of Interference?”

The nervous system is the master system which controls and coordinatates the function of every organ, tissue, structure and cell in your body.  Signals from your brain travel up and down your spinal cord.  The spinal cord, which is protected by the bones of your spinal column, branches out into 31 pairs of nerves.  These spinal nerves branch…