The nervous system is the master system which controls and coordinatates the function of every organ, tissue, structure and cell in your body. Signals from your brain travel up and down your spinal cord. The spinal cord, which is protected by the bones of your spinal column, branches out into 31 pairs of nerves. These spinal nerves branch further to reach out to all the structures and organs of your body. Chiropractors focus on optimizing the spinal column to keep the spinal cord and spinal nerves free of stress and interference.
The only part of the nervous system that is protected by bones is your brain and your spinal cord. The primary purpose of the hard bones of your spinal column is to protect the delicate spinal cord, just like the skull protects the delicate brain. Normal ideal posture reflects a spine that is in a normal neutral position – which is straight from the front view and 3 natural curves from the side view. A chiropractor is trained to check for any postural deviations or misalignments. The position and alignment of the spinal bones is best seen on xrays. Many chiropractors either take xrays in their own clinics while some chiropractors refer out for xrays.
Research has shown that when the spinal column is in a neutral normal position, as described above, it is in the best position to naturally protect the spinal cord.
However, research has also shown that when the spinal column is shifted or misaligned, it puts pressure on the delicate spinal cord and on the spinal nerves leading to interference of those crucial nerve signals traveling to and from the brain to your body.
That is the effect of spinal misalignments (subluxations) – they interfere with the all-important nerve signals that give life to all your body parts and organs. Chiropractors are trained to detect these spinal misalignments and correct them.
So, knowing that the nervous system controls how your body functions and how your body heals, it makes perfect sense to want to keep the spinal cord, spinal nerves and nervous system free of interference. A chiropractor can help you with this.
Finding and correcting spinal misalignments for the purpose of keeping a healthy and optimally functioning nervous system is the focus of chiropractic adjustments and chiropractic care. This is exactly what we do everyday at Back To Health Chiropractic Centre.