"Chiropractic Works! Adjusting To A Higher Quality Of Life." - A Book Review

“Chiropractic Works! Adjusting To A Higher Quality Of Life” is a wonderful book written by Timothy J. Feuling. Mr. Feuling is the vice president of the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA).  This book is an enjoyable read as it gives you many real life stories of people who have had their life dramatically improved with chiropractic…


Today, I am writing a short book review of “Chiropractic First: The Fastest Growing Healthcare Choice … Before Drugs Or Surgery”, by Terry A. Rondberg, DC.  Dr. Rondberg is the CEO and founder of the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA).  If you are looking for a simple, yet thorough review and understanding of chiropractic, the chiropractic…