ScoliBrace for Adult Scoliosis (Adult Degenerative Scoliosis) | Scoliosis Brace

Dr. Walter Salubro, Chiropractor in Vaughan, ON

Video explains Scoliosis Brace for adults with scoliosis.

Scoliosis brace for adults: a non surgical treatment for adults with scoliosis.

Video Credit: ScoliCare

For more information about ScoliBrace, visit

“Adult degenerative scoliosis affects more than 30% of the population over the age of 60 and over 50% of the population over the age of 90. Adults with degenerative scoliosis often have a forward lean or hunch with their body also being significantly shifted off to one side. The cause of adult degenerative scoliosis is wear and tear of the spine combined with a loss of strength in the structures that support the spine. In the past surgery was the only option to stabilize adult scoliosis and treat its symptoms. The adult ScoliBrace offers new hope to patients suffering from this disease, helping to realign their posture and the position of their spine, reducing symptoms and stopping further worsening of the degenerative scoliosis.”

Dr. Walter Salubro is a Certified ScoliBrace provider in Vaughan, ON Canada.

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