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Dr. Walter Salubro:
So when parents ask you, you know, what’s the potential for correction? Am I going to see changes, how do you answer those type of questions, because they’re always looking for specific, you know, I don’t wanna say guarantees but results,right? What do you tell them?
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
You can’t guarantee correction, no matter how good your exercise or how good your brace is, scoliosis is very, very complex. A well-trained clinician who understands in depth, the different aspects of scoliosis, including the maturity of the bones, we call it skeletal maturity, the flexibility, the curve, you know, and then adding the right treatment to that, whether it be the right exercise or the right brace, always give them the best opportunity for correction. The other part of the equation though, is also the responsibility of the family and the responsibility of the patient, because, you know, if the child doesn’t wear the brace or doesn’t do the exercise, they’re not going to work. And so a part of a good scoliosis treatment is the family and the patient being part of the team, at the end of the day, it’s about teamwork and working with multiple clinicians, but also working with the family and having support from the family, supporting the child and making sure that we get the child on board with the treatment. And the same is true for adults. You know, the adults need support going through treatment for this type of condition. It’s not easy, but we can get good results if we work together as a team.
Dr. Walter Salubro:
For sure. Awesome. What’s the long term effects? So, you get some corrections after using a brace do you follow up with them let’s say a year later, you know, what kind of things do you see at that point? And is this a follow-up study here or a follow up piece right here?
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
So this is the same girl that we just saw that was in the brace, these are the out of brace x-rays, so not only was she completely straight in the brace over time, 11 degrees I think was at 12 months and then the six degrees is at 24 months out of the brace. So the goal here is over time with growth and flexibility, it’s possible to improve the scoliosis, yes in these cases and you don’t have it here, she’s finished treatment, she’s been out of the brace for a year and her curve is stable around 10 degrees now. So she’s maintained a good correction. I think the key to that is we got it early and that comes back to your questions about screening. You know, if it’s too late, if she presented with the same curve, that was 50 degrees and she was risk to stage five, the chance of making improvement is extremely low. Picking it up earlier, picking up when there’s growth and applying the right treatment, gives us the opportunity to achieve results like this.
Dr. Walter Salubro:
Definitely. We can’t stress enough early detection, early start up care when necessary for sure.
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