Part 8 of 10 ScoliBrace For Teen 33 Degrees Scoliosis | Dr. Walter Salubro Interviews Dr. Jeb McAviney


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Dr. Walter Salubro:
How about this case over here?

Dr. Jeb McAviney:
This is interesting. This is of a 13 year old girl who came in with low back pain, as well as the scoliosis and one of the interesting things we look at is the bone growth and it’s going to be hard to see on this x-ray, but there’s a risk of stage one, which means that although she’s 13 and she looks bigger, she still has significant growth left. And with the curve that’s 33 degrees this is going to continue to progress at above 40. She was actually told that she needed surgery, the wait-list for surgery was 12 months, but they scheduled for 12 months down the track surgery and in the area that she was there was no nonsurgical treatment within the hospital system, but parents came to us and said, look, is there anything that you can do? And we said, yes, combination of the scoliosis specific exercise and we put her through that in combination with a brace and as you can see in the brace she’s straight and she’s growing and that gives us the opportunity with growth in the brace to actually grow her in a straight position. Think about it like a mould, if you like for growth.

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