Dr. Walter Salubro Interviews Dr. Jeb McAviney, Scoliosis Expert, Lecturer, CEO of ScoliCare, and Founder of ScoliBrace

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Dr. Walter Salubro:
So, what kind of curves are more complicated? So I noticed there are single curves, double curves, there’s rotations. When there’s coronal translations? What makes them more complex in terms of the corrective process or preventing it from progressing?
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
So the, the more complex curves are the double curves in terms of the biomechanics. So if there’s two curves, they can be a bit harder to treat because what you do to correct one curve may have a negative influence on the other one. But in general, the stiffness of the curve is the biggest limiting factor. So we can have two 40 degree curves that come in for a ,consultation and we can recommend a brace to both of those patients. And both of those patients can have the same compliance but may get different outcomes because of the stiffness of the curve. But that’s doing things in conjunction with a brace, for example, like type chiropractic, like the ScoliRoll, like the exercise that can actually make a big difference to the outcome. So, you know, scoliosis is complex and we have to assess patients. We have to assess compliance. We have to assess the curve configuration.
Dr. Walter Salubro:
You mentioned ScoliRoll. I have an example here. So let’s talk about this. you helped design this, correct?
Dr. Jeb McAviney
Dr. Walter Salubro:
Yeah. So there’s one right there. So, so how is this useful for someone that has a scoliosis curve?
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
So for a patient that has a postural curve, this can be a treatment in its own, right? And there’s a difference between a postural curve and a scoliosis.
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
Which is what?
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
The main thing is the postural curve has no deformity. It’s more just the position of the patient and how they are. So that’s where ScoliRoll can be a useful thing by itself. For a true scoliosis where we have rotation deformity, it’s really an adjunctive treatment. We would use this in conjunction with scoliosis specific exercises, for curves less than 25 degrees or use it in conjunction with a brace for curves that are greater than that.
Dr. Walter Salubro:
See if I can find a picture here and put it up here so you can describe it. Let’s see. So here’s Someone lying on a ScoliRoll and they’re getting adjusted at the same time in the mirror image. Is that right?
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
Correct. So this is an approach that we might use with a patient that has a postural curve. And posttotal curves or non-structural scoliosis can respond really well to this type of treatment. We would still use this in a structural curve or a true scoliosis, but it would be more of an adjunctive therapy. One of the things that helps for example, is that flexibility. You know so that using this in conjunction with a good brace can actually help the outcome for that patient.
Dr. Walter Salubro:
Yeah. So it gives people options. Right. That’s that’s good.
Dr. Jeb McAviney:
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