A Demonstration Of Thompson Terminal Point Chiropractic Adjusting

Dr. Walter Salubro Demonstrates Thompson Terminal Point Drop Table Adjusting. Maple, ON – The Thompson Terminal Point chiropractic adjusting technique uses specialized drop chiropractic tables. It’s a gentle chiropractic technique that follows a scientifically sound assessment of the spine and creates great results in the correction of spinal misalignments. Patients find this adjusting technique comfortable. It’s…

3 Step Stretching Plan

How To Relieve Stress And Tension In Your Back, Neck And Shoulders. New eBook Reveals How. Does it ever feel you are carrying a ‘load of bricks’ on your shoulders because of muscle tension and tightness? Do you have tightness in your neck or lower back? Daily stresses can often lead to aches, pains and…

Why consumers can trust internet drugstores

Seven tips for safe use of remedies Traditionally drugs are available by prescription from your pharmacist and from places like pharmacies and supermarkets. About seven percent of Americans order prescription remedies from online drugstores. Face-to-face interaction with a qualified healthcare practitioner is a preferable situation for buying medicament, but usually internet services may offer greater…

Back Pain?

Looking for Treatment and Relief of Back Pain? Chiropractor in Vaughan Explains How Chiropractic care offers solutions for back pain relief and spinal correction. If you are one of the 80% of people that are suffering of back pain, then consider chiropractic care for relief and correction of the problem. A consultation and examination with…

Neck Pain?

Looking for Treatment and Relief of Neck Pain? Chiropractor in Vaughan Explains How Neck pain is common and affects many people. Poor posture, sleeping positions and sitting in front of a computer desk all day can cause muscle tension and stress to build up and lead to neck pain. Neck problems can lead to other conditions…

Chiropractic Care for Headaches

Chiropractic Care for Headaches

Looking for Treatment and Relief of Headaches and Migraines? Chiropractor in Vaughan Explains How Headaches often originate from the neck and are associated with neck pain and muscles tension.  Headaches and migraines are a source of suffering for many people. Most people, when they have a headache or migraine, try to find relief by lying down,…



Chiropractic care is effective for treatment and relief of back pain, neck pain and headaches. Call (905) 303-1009 today to discover how. We use a systematic approach to examine and discover the underlying problem that’s causing you pain and give solutions to correct the problem. Our priority is getting you out of pain quickly so you…

Mindful Lifestyle Choices For 2014

Make 2014 the most vibrant, fulfilling and healthiest year yet. It all starts with the lifestyle choices you are making today. Would agree that if you have a poor diet, don’t get any exercise, are overweight, have a negative mental attitude, are over-stressed and not managing your stress well – that this will lead to…

14 Great Health & Wellness Quotes For 2014

Complied by: Dr. Walter Salubro of Back To Health Chiropractic Centre in Maple, Vaughan Ontario. 1. “The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.” – Harry J. Johnson…

A Healthy Lifestyle Is A Decision Away

How to have less stress, more peace, more energy, be stronger and healthier, now and for the long run. Maple, ON – The common health problems that plague many people today, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, are all preventable diseases. This means that often times, these conditions develop because of things that…