How to Workout Your LOWER BACK (2019) | Lower Back Strengthening Exercises at Home

Dr. Salubro: Hi everyone. It’s Dr. Walter Salubro with Jason of Coach J Fitness Studio. And we’re back for video number three in this three part series on how to strengthen your back, especially after a back injury. So, it’s post back injury recovery. Video number one, which I’ll just post in the description below. We had an introduction to talk about why it’s important, how to progress through it, and much more information. So I’ll put the link below. Number two, we did some rehab, certain rehab process to show how to do some back strengthening rehab at home or at the gym using some low key equipment like Swiss ball and your own body weight. And today in today’s video video number three, we’re going to start adding some more equipment, share some more core and lower back workout using dumbbells and other equipment. So stay tuned. I’m looking forward to this. Thanks for coming again, Coach. Thank you Walter.

Coach Jason: Ok, Dr. Walter on a, these are called the Lebert equalizer bars, a nice of piece of equipment that you can add to your home gym or regular gym. It’s very versatile, very economical to do multiple exercises. But because we’re talking about back then we progressed over the last three videos. I thought to have a Dr. Walter do pull ups. That’s one thing a lot of people struggle with is doing a proper pull up. This is a great way to bridge the gap between doing a regular pull up and having them start at the ground level of learning how to pull his own body weigth. So, what I am going to have Dr. Walter do, is just first bridge. So basically he’s going to take his bum and lifted off the ground. He’s now on stabilizing through his upper back and his heels. Now his hamstrings, glutes and back is engaged. He’s then going to grab the handles of the bar still in that bridge position. He’s going to chin and chest, not dipping his chin down to his chest, but chin chest to the ceiling and pull straight up. So if you’ve got you just pull straight up and then back down

Coach Jason: and back up. Lat’s engaging. Okay. And back down biceps engaging. Traps engaging and again he doesn’t want to shrug his shoulders. Spaces between places, between space, between the shoulders and his ear lobes. That go, keeping his neck long so there’s no screen on the net or on the back. And he’s gonna give me two more

Coach Jason: Right up.

Coach Jason: Again, this is a progression of learning how to do proper pull ups.
Coach Jason: And back down.

Coach Jason: Alright, we’re here with exercise number two. We have a dumbbell. A lot of people invest into dumbbells, very again, inexpensive. And it’s Swiss ball, which you probably saw in video number two that we use for progressing from the floor to the Swiss ball. Now the Swiss ball to functional equipment, one being the dumbbells. So what I’m going to have Walter do is he’s going to stand he’s going to stabilize through not only his head, but through his core. His back leg is going to come back, lengthening the lat muscle. We don’t want to make it sure it’s a strong muscle. Second strongest part of the body is the back legs being number one and then the surrounding muscles after that. So we want to lengthen the lat muscle, keeping the back neutral spine, he’s going to look forward to it, there’s no tilt in the neck.

Coach Jason: He’s going to grab the dumbbell dumbbell starting slightly forward. We don’t want to have the shoulders start down. We want to have it start Even Steven with the other shoulder. Letting it through he is going to bring his head back towards his hip bone in this row motion and then come back down forward and back up. Again spaces between places, space between his traps, shoulders and ear lobe so he’s not shrugging or putting any pressure on his neck and he’s pulling up and we can just do straight reps. He’s going to me three more. Again once again, you’re stretching into lat muscle and supporting back muscles here. Rear delts, rhomboids. Good. And one more.

Coach Jason: Okay. Awesome. All right, so we’re back for a number three using bands. And now we know versatile are great versatile piece of equipment. We’ve gone from the floor to the Swiss ball, Swiss ball to dumbbell. Now we’ve added the bands. They’re both interchangeable depending on the exercise. One of the reasons we love the band work is both on the eccentric and concentric movement there is resistance. So what I’m going to have Dr. Walter do just face a wall. We anchored it into the rack here, you can anchor it to a tree if you’re outdoor training or there’s anchors at your local fitness facility that you can buy that anchors into a door. So he’s going to step back and right away he could fee l that engagement. Arm are going to be straight and notice he’s in relaxed motion here. So there was no nothing happening in the back as he is in the set position.

Coach Jason: Spaces in between places, space between shoulders, traps and ear lobes He is not going to shrug his shoulders. He is just going to row and pull back towards the back of the room and I’m going to have you row. Now notice it engages, head goes forward, it relaxes. He pulls again. It engages, he goes forward. You’re relaxing spaces between places. Remember that in any row motion, you don’t want those shrugs going on. You don’t want any tension around the neck area. Good. If you give me three more, let’s look at the engagement of the back. Back working super strong here. Good. And one more. Chest staying nice and tall. Love the tall because we want to get one. We want to keep that back in neutral spot. Awesome. So that was our third one. Again, we started on the floor. So our floor exercises. We then progressed in video number two to Swiss ball video number three. We’ve got now with dumbbell, equalizer bars and resistance band training.

Dr. Salubro: And that’s a wrap. I want to thank coach J for his contribution to this video series, a three part series. Look at the links below. And just to recap, why is it important to strengthen the back?. If backs when they’re under spinal is not really rehabilitated properly, there’s always a chance for re-injury in the future and the problem becomes chronic. So get good, proper, correction and care of your spine, the back first and then get cleared for exercises. Start easy.

Dr. Salubro: Then rest and body weight and then eventually using your equipment. And of course if you’re always looking for assistance, use a coach, a fitness coach J, a professional can help guide you through these progressions. Making sure you’re doing the right. I can tell you just from his assistance and watching my form, I felt that actual muscle being activated, I can feel the contraction and working up a sweat at the same time. So these are really affected when you’re facilitating a property with a professional. Thanks for watching the series. Look out for more videos.

Coach Jason: My, pleasure. Peace out from Coach J.

Dr. Salubro: To learn more about how corrective chiropractic care at Back To Health Chiropractic Center can help you with your chronic pain problem, visit www, . Back To Health Chiropractic Cetre is located at 20 Cranston park Avenue #6, Vaughan, Ontario Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 2W2.