Can L4 L5 Disc Bulge Get Back To Normal Again? Does L5 S1 Disc Bulge Get Back To Normal Again?

L4 L5 disc bulge and L5 S1 disc bulge are common types of disc injury. Many people are looking for L4 L5 disc bulge treatment without surgery or L4 L5 disc bulge treatment without medications. And many people ask me, “Can a disc bulge can get back to normal again?” In this video, I address this question in detail and I share a case example, too. Disc bulge exercises may help. Disc bulge chiropractic treatment is an option. Check out this video for full answer. Recommended disc bulge videos for you:

1. Best Exercise For L4 L5 Disc Bulge Best Exercise For L4 L5 Disc Herniation

2. L4-L5 and L5-S1 Discs Bulge Treatment without Surgery