When You Have A Back Pain In the Morning, This Easy Stretch May Help Give Relief – By Chiropractor in Vaughan
Vaughan, ON – So, one of the questions I got asked for a stretch demonstration is this. This person says that they hurt their back eight months ago and right now during the day they feel 100 percent. So everything’s great during the day. It feels good. No back pains. Go to bed at night, wake up in the morning and feels bad again. So is there a stretch to help with that? Well, there is a couple of things I want to say before I show the stretch:
Number one, if you have had back pain for eight months and it’s persisting, and it is not 100 percent resolved, you do need to get that check professionally. Some testing needs to be done. Check your spine, maybe get x rays, MRI if necessary. So just consider that, if you’ve had chronic pain for eight months now and it hasn’t been resolved.
The other thing too is what’s your sleeping position like? Are you sleeping on your back, on your side, on your stomach? So if you’re on your back or on your side that is what I recommend. On your stomach, I don’t. If you have a situation where you wake up in the morning with backache, but you felt fine going to bed at night, then what I recommend is a couple of things.
Number one, lying flat on your back and put a pillow under your knees and a number two, if you’re a side sleeper, you sleep on your side, then put a pillow between your knees.
If you go on my youtube channel, Youtube.com/DrWalterSalubro, I have a video that shows sleeping positions for people that have back pain or leg pain. So check that out.
Now, here’s a good stretch for you to do in the morning if you wake up with a sore back from my sleeping throughout the night.
So in the morning before you actually get out of bed, you’re on your bed, lie flat on your back, and you going to do what’s called the knee-to-chest stretches. They really help stretch the lower back area and provide some relief before you get up off your bed.
And then I’ll show you a proper way to actually get off your bed so you prevent further injury to your back. Check this out. You’re on your bed, you’re lying down, and before you get up grab your knee, pull to your body and you have a hold for 10 seconds. Pull upward, hold 10 seconds, repeat that three times. Do the opposite side, hold 10 seconds, repeat that three times, and then do doubles for 10 seconds, repeat three times. And then when you get off your bed, go to your side with both feet together, feet down, hands on your bed, and you push yourself off like that. So you come up in a nice neutral position and stand.
Easy, easy stretch you can do in the morning if you have an achy back when you wake up in the morning. Just stretch it the way I showed you and get up without aggravating your back.
Also remember to check the part of the video where I explained some sleeping postures and positions and how to use pillows to support your back while you’re sleeping at nighttime and have your back more relaxed and less tense. You can also put a heating pad on your lower back before you go to bed for about 10 minutes because that will warm up your muscles, relax them, and allow them to rest at nighttime. Hope you found that useful. I’ll catch you in the next video.