Dr. Walter Salubro Of Back To Health Chiropractic Centre Reviews New Study Showing That Sitting Is Detrimental To Your Health. Is sitting “the new smoking”?
Maple, ON – In my seminars, I always tell my patients that the human body is designed to be moving and be active, not sedentary. Unfortunately, technology is advancing faster today then the evolutionary process.

Think about this for a moment. Early human ancestors were hunters and gathers. They were up on their feet all day, running, walking, bending, crouching and moving. They were not sitting in front of a TV, a computer monitor, in their car or at a desk. They were active and using their bodies the way it was designed to be used … for motion.
Motion is health. And new research is showing this. Sitting is detrimental to you health. And too much sitting is flat out dangerous to your health, your longevity and your quality of life, no matter how much physical activity you participate with. In fact, sitting has been dubbed “the new smoking”.
A January 2015 study by Biswas et al shows that regardless of the physical activity someone does, sitting is associated with a higher risk of heart disease (cardiovascular disease), a higher risk of death due to heart disease, a higher risk of cancer, a higher risk of death from cancer and a higher risk of type 2 (adult onset) diabetes.1
This should be a wake up call to all of who sit often during the day. Do you agree? Even if you are exercising regularly, too much sitting is dangerous to your health.
Some suggestions:
1. Take a micro break every 20 minutes, stand up, stretch and take a short walk in your office.
2. Take a walk during your lunch break.
3. Consider a standing computer station with a tall chair for mini-sitting breaks.
4. If you are not exercising regularly, you must start. Exercise is still known to give you highly beneficial health benefits.
5. If you can walk to work, park the car and walk.
6. Get regular chiropractic care to counter the effects of sitting stress on your posture and nervous system.
These are only a few suggestions to avoid the prolonged sitting habit throughout the day.
What Is The Chiropractic Perspective?

Sitting inherently causes more bending to occur in the body. The body is ideally designed to be in an upright position. Of course it can adapt to many other positions but ideally it should be upright. When your body and posture is upright in its ideal position the force of gravity is distributed equally throughout your body. When your body is bent, the effective force of gravity is increased causing more stress on your spine, nervous system and other tissues.
Sitting causes bending a the hips, a tendency for slouching and also a tendency for a forward head position. All this will cause spinal misalignments to develop which increase stress on your spine, spinal cord and spinal nerves. Your spinal cord is the direct link from the brain to the rest of your body. And your nervous system, brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves, control all organs, body parts, tissues and cells. Stress on the nervous system will affect optimal bodily function, healing and repair leading to damage, degeneration, dis-ease and eventually disease.
So, if you find yourself sitting a lot throughout the day, chiropractic can certainly help to correct the negative effects of sitting on your spine, posture and nervous system. This will allow your body to adapt better to the sitting and to prevent further disease and degeneration.
Chiropractic care is an essential component to personal health care. Just like exercising regularly, eating good nutritious foods and managing your stress.
1. Biswas, A, et al. Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(2):123-132. doi:10.7326/M14-1651
** Copyright NOTICE **: This article was written by Dr. Walter Salubro and is copyright by Dr. Walter Salubro. Attribution is required for re-posting of this article.
Re-posting this article on your website or blog is permitted only if you credit the author, Dr. Walter Salubro and post a backlink to www.BackToHealthChiropracticCentre.com.
Suggested attribution: Article courtesy of Dr. Walter Salubro at www.BackToHealthChiropracticCentre.com.
By: Dr. Walter Salubro
Maple’s Family Wellness Chiropractor
Dr. Walter Salubro is a family wellness chiropractor who has been serving the Maple and Vaughan community for over 13 years.
Dr. Salubro provides chiropractic care to people all age groups. He has completed many post-graduate courses in techniques applicable to both children and adults. In addition to offering specific spinal adjustments and posture corrective techniques,
Dr. Salubro offers an extensive line-up of health and wellness workshops, exercise classes and a run-walk club to his patients.
Dr. Walter Salubro is dedicated to providing the highest quality chiropractic care for all of his patients. He is a 1999 graduate of the National College of Chiropractic and certified from the Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics (C.A.C.C.P.). Dr. Walter Salubro is Webster Technique Certified, certified and recognized by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Dr. Salubro caters to the specialized care of infants and pregnant mothers.
Back To Health Chiropractic Centre
“Leading you to better health the chiropractic way.”
Maple & Vaughan’s Family Wellness Chiropractic Centre
(905) 303-1009
A Village of Maple Chiropractic Clinic