Dr. Walter Salubro Demonstrates Thompson Terminal Point Drop Table Adjusting.
Maple, ON – The Thompson Terminal Point chiropractic adjusting technique uses specialized drop chiropractic tables. It’s a gentle chiropractic technique that follows a scientifically sound assessment of the spine and creates great results in the correction of spinal misalignments.
Patients find this adjusting technique comfortable. It’s gentle enough to use with children too.
In this video, I am demonstrating the leg length analysis, a pelvic and neck drop table adjustment and a post adjustment leg length re-check.
Dr. Walter Salubro demonstrating Thompson Terminal Point Technique Chiropractic Adjusting.
Dr. Salubro is an assistant instructor at the Thompson Technique Seminar Series.
The chiropractic table in the video is by Techniques Tables of Thornhill, ON. http://www.techniquestables.com
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