“Re-commit to your health in 2011.”

The holidays are over…now what?  January should not be a time of “starts”.  Such as… “I’m going start going to the gym and exercise”, or “I’m going to eat less  and choose better quality foods” or “I’m going to start a detox and cleanse program” or “I’m going to start going to the chiropractor again”, etc…

Instead, January should be a continuum of your overall commitment to your health and well-being.  It should be a time where you are building upon the momementum you created in the previous months.

Many people make new year resolutions only to give up and quit by the first week of February.  What is lacking is commitment.  When it comes to values and choices for your health, nothing is more important then your commitment to yourself, your health and your wellbeing. 

Once you are committed, the rest falls into place.  You begin to create a plan for ongoing fitness and exercise, you create a habit of eating well and choosing nutritious foods, you begin to find ways to get healthy and stay healthy, whether it be with chiropractic care or other holistic therapies or dropping bad health habits. Eventually, health and wellness becomes a ongoing choice and lifestyle. All this is driven by your commitment.

So whether its January, March,  June or October, you are always on the path of a healthy lifestyle because of choice and because of the ongoing commitment to your health, for now and for longevity.

Your health is your most precious asset. Re-commit to your health in 2011.